Information Page for Athletic Sports Portrait for Middle School: Volleyball*1636699242492*Ruben%2520Martinez%2520transparent%2520001*png?alt=media&token=0183f66d-cf4c-4d02-b063-43e5afcdb9b9

Information Page


Jordan Middle School - Volleyball

Thanks for opting in Jordan Volleyball Parents and Guardians!

If you have been our customers 
before, then welcome back, 
if not, then it will be 
great earning your business. 

Your Photo Days are as follows:
8th Grade Girls Volleyball
Friday  August 30th at 6:00am
7th Grade Girls Volleyball
Friday August 30th at 3:30pm
***Important Information for Photo Day!***

1 . ***Check in Process***:
 You will have an option to either Pre-Pay for an All-Individual Digital Download Package or wait until to your gallery is ready and make your choices then. The name you sign up your athlete, is the name we will use for personalized graphics. *Keep in mind, that the Pre-Pay Individual Digital Download Package is heavily discounted, normal price is $89.00* Look for the links below or wait for links on the final Thank You web page.

2. ***Payment***: Pre-Payment is due on or before Photo Day to maximize your discount. All forms are online, and links are offered in these web pages. If you decide to take advantage of your Pre-Pay All-Individual Digital Package, you will get an email stating your gallery is ready in a Pixiset communication. If you decide to wait and see your created graphics to make your purchase, you will get a communication through GotPhoto, stating your gallery is ready, use this link with your grade group access code to register your athlete: 
7th Grade: JMS7VBall2024 
8th Grade: JMS8VBall2024 

For a dedicated All Action Sports Photos Session, use this link to book your session (which is a a session where we take action photos of your athlete on the court or on the field for a discounted price; normal delivery of photos is 15 + photos, our average is 25 + photos):

3. ***Photo Poses***:
Each athlete will take four to five poses: First Two Team poses and all other poses for individual and custom graphics. Accessories for the individual and custom graphics poses are welcome. All poses chosen will be part of the Individual Digital Download Package. 

Buddy Poses: You must Pre-Pay for buddy poses using this link. We will only take buddy poses of those who Pre-Pay using this link: All Action Sports Photos LLC (

4. ***Backgrounds***:
All backgrounds are graphics created and chosen by the artist. If you decide to purchase any custom graphics, we will create two options and give you the choice of which one you can purchase. For those packages that have a custom graphic as a gift or incentive, the custom graphic background will be artist choice. 

5. ***Photo Print/Delivery***: Photo prints and novelty items will take 2-4 weeks for delivery to your home. Those who Pre-Pay will receive their individual photo gallery as soon as all galleries are ready, usually within two weeks from photo day. 

Banner orders will be in batch, and each order will be on a bi-weekly basis. Banners will be delivered to the school, and given to your athlete. 

6. ***Props***: Encourage athletes to bring props for their Social Media pose photo. (i.e., glasses, gloves, balls, hats, medals).

We're excited to capture these special moments for your team! If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected] with your athlete's name, age, division, and organization.
Please ensure the following on the day before Photo Day. 

Equipment is clean. 
Uniform is washed. 
Hair is combed. 
Overall that that your athlete is ready for Photo Day

Bonus Bonus Bonus

We are offering a special bonus 
PrePay Purchase option. 
Use the link below to pay 
$55 through September 1st
For an all Individual 
Digital Download Package!!

As a bonus, we will also create a one or 
two pose custom graphic as part of your 
bonus digital package. 
Price Changes to $65 after 9/1.
Good through Picture Day. 
If you decide to wait to see your gallery
We are offering the following BONUS
As an incentive to act quickly
once your individual athlete's 
gallery is ready, you will have an 
opportunity to purchase at a

A 15% Discount!!!

Which means that once the gallery is up, your athlete's photos and novelty items, will all be at 15% off.
Click on your athlete's grade level to continue and register. 

In Addition

You will also have the 
opportunity to purchase an
All Action Sports Photos Sessio
for your athlete!!

This means that we will take action photos 
of your athlete playing volleyball. 

That price is only $50!!!

Pre - Pay Only

Normal price for this age group is $85.00!!!

A 41% Savings!!

Use the link below to book your Athlete's 
Volleyball Action Sports Photos Session
Use Coupon Code: Jordanvolleyball
to get Discount
Only 5 athletes are 
photographed per game
A Team = 5 Players
B Team = 5 Players
Choose from the home schedule*JMS_Volleyball_Team_16x20-Recovered*jpg?alt=media&token=92b4f8d5-8eda-4f0a-ace4-770c4409edfc
Below are some links that 
will help you learn 
about our products and services.
Click on the Novelty Items button, 
to see what is available, 
during your purchase of 
the Athletic Sports Portrait. 

Scroll down and click on Novelty Items. 

You are now ready to access 
the link to purchase. 

Click on either 7th Grade or 8th Grade. 

Bonus!! Bonus!!

Photo Release Required and 
No Student Emails can sign up
Once you access that page, 
use the access code, 
for your athlete's grade level to start the pre-registration process. 
Click on your athlete's grade level to continue and register. 
Thanks for stopping by. 
Like us on Facebook
Message us on Facebook for any questions.